Elementally Copper Etsy Shop
Discover the Elemental Beauty of Handcrafted Jewelry
Forging a New Reality
The fusion of metal-smithing and AI
Delinquent Robot Series: An AI Collaboration
AI collaboration between Gary (Human) + DALL·E 2 (AI). Picking up cues from their creators, robots begin a journey of self-discovery. This series further explores current AI capabilities.
Tangible Spirits ~ Series
There are spirits among us; elusive, but perhaps not as stealthy as they imagine. They haunt, not to frighten, but to inspire. Muses of comedy and tragedy, these well-disposed, weighty visitants are the material of inspiration.
Jabberwocky Series
Awesomely awkward interpersonal interactions. Nonsensical communication can paradoxically lead to real meaning and deep connection.
Reservoir Series
New York City’s Central Park Reservoir is the source of inspiration for this series of 70 digital paintings. Walking around the decommissioned reservoir’s 1.58 mile shore of finely crushed bluestone reveals a carousel of picturesque landscapes. Form and light play out an extraordinary performance on the reflective stage of water encompassed by an animating backdrop. Far from just a visual experience, a pilgrimage to this theater-in-the-round affords opportunity for contemplation and reflection.
Intelligent Design Series: Eggsistential Exploration
As the second part of the Intelligent Design series, Eggsistential Exploration presents an alternate view of the cosmos where a personified “hardboiled” egg suggests awakening to the ungraspable and to pure Consciousness.
Frown Family Series: An AI Collaboration
Every Family has a STORY… welcome to ours. The Frowns are a family of unconventional characters who have strong identities. This series makes use of Playform’s generative Artificial Intelligence technology as a collaborative partner (www.playform.io). Starting from a simple “frowning” character sketch, AI generated multiple variations based on selected reference style parameters. The resulting images were the source of my inspiration and starting point of where I developed the individual character traits. A true example of human-AI synergy for the creative good.
Lightness Series
Illuminating the Soul — the last time my mother sent me a message was 12 months after she died. This experience served as the catalyst for a completely new series of abstract, digital paintings called the Lightness Series. Produced as large, silver halide prints, this series explores the experience of connecting with transcendent souls as seen through the digital filter through which we now experience the world. They offer a series of gateways to the human and eternal.
Spirit Dancing Animation
Animated digital painting
Featured Painting
Highlighted digital paintings from series and non-series collections.
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